Looking for a Job?

Looking For Top
Contracted Talent?

Build out your team with ready-to-deploy talent,
contracted through JLM.

Experience how we ‘built’ the best industry reputation
and why we’re the top talent solution for your company.

JLM Talent Partners Is Best Suited For Clients That:

7 Days To Deploy

On average, within one week, JLM will have new talent working on your project.

Quick & Easy Process

When you contract skilled talent through JLM, you manage them on the job, and we’ll handle HR and logistics.

100% Satisfaction

If for any reason one of your hires doesn’t work out, JLM will replace that candidate at our cost.

Looking for a customized list of screened, qualified, and
ready-to-interview candidates instead? Click here.


JLM’s best-in-class average time to deploy new talent is 7 days (or less). Within one week (or less) we’ll have new talent–based on your exact needs–working on your project.
JLM Talent Partners is specifically designed to make bringing on new contractors a quick & easy process. When you contract skilled talent through JLM, you manage them on the job, and we’ll handle HR and logistics.

Unlike other staffing agencies or job-search websites, you will have 1 week of exclusivity to the in-demand candidates we introduce you to. To ensure these candidates are available to join your team, JLM will not share their contact information with anyone else during your 1-week review period. We are the only agency in the industry that provides this benefit.

Yes. JLM stands confidently behind our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason one of your hires doesn’t work out, JLM will replace that candidate at our cost.

Yes. When bidding or working on a contract that requires a minimum number of DBE-accredited workers, there can be both pre-award and post-award contract costs associated with not building out your team with a DBE-accredited staffing agency.

Pre-award – Being non-compliant can result in having a bid eliminated. If there is no bid, there is no chance of winning the contract, which means there is no chance for future repeat business.

Post-award – Being non-compliant after winning a contract can have potentially even more severe penalties and enduring consequences, including:

  • Termination of contract
  • Withholding monthly progress payments
  • Assessing sanctions
  • Liquidating damages
  • Disqualifying contract for future bidding, classifying them as non-responsible

All post-award penalties and sanctions can result in:

  • Project missing the marks on time, spec, and budget
  • Spending extra time, energy, and money trying to make good on requirements
  • Losing out on repeat business
  • Damage to reputation 

JLM helps get you the highly qualified talent you need while reaching your DBE benchmarks so you can get your projects done without being assessed with costly penalties, sanctions, or loss of contract.

JLM Direct – is best suited for companies that:

  • Need to fill one or more critical internal permanent positions
  • Are in growth mode and want to hire multiple employees of the same skill set (ie: build a new department)
  • Have a small set budget to attract new employees (versus paying a long-term bill rate)
  • Want to outsource the recruiting process only, but are capable of managing the hiring and administration of employees
  • Need to supplement existing internal efforts of HR

JLM Talent Partners – is best suited for companies that:

  • Need to hire for a project or certain time period (not permanent)
  • Need to hire quickly (no time go through a lengthy hiring process)
  • Do not want the responsibility of the separation obligations (unemployment, admin, and human relations)
  • Need assistance with management of the employee (HR support if a project has no direct HR support)
  • Want to utilize payrolling services only (for seasonal employees or referrals)

real customer STORIES

Real-World Results

The nation’s top talent. Measureable results. Predictable ROI. These are just some of the reasons customers return to JLM project after project.

“Skanska has worked closely with JLM over the last 5 years. During that time JLM has become a critical member of our team as they provide top-level talent quickly and efficiently to our heavy civil infrastructure projects. The goals and values of JLM align well with Skanska and the talent they bring to our team are well-trained, motivated, professional, dedicated, and able to contribute to the success of our projects immediately. We look forward to a continued partnership with JLM in the years ahead!”

Dan Shiraldi (Project Executive, Skanska)

“When our company first started in the San Diego area, we needed support to find great staff members, but we were unfamiliar with the area. Luckily, we found JLM. JLM sets themselves above other staffing agencies by simply spending time getting to know the people on our project. By doing this, they knew who a great fit for all the personalities of the job would be. The JLM team planned ahead and was always ready to support the project. I can say that the project would have not been as successful if JLM wasn’t a part of our team.”

Amber Linger (Business Manager, MCTC)

Trusted by Fortune 500 companies, metropolitan cities, and billion-dollar
infrastructure projects across the country for over a decade, including…